With each enemy you destroy the world gets a little (or a lot) darker. Part stealth part bullet hell. With each enemy you kill you gain an orb that brings the darkness… Orbs can be removed and will re-generate health. Get to the finish area to move onto the next level - 3 levels total.

Different Game Area

  • Red -> Enemy Spawns
  • Blue/Green -> Orb Cleansing and Healing
  • Yellow -> Finish and go to next level

Best played in the dark with the volume set high!

There are HTML and Windows versions available. There is no exit button on the windows build. Oops and Sorry.

The score leaderboard is buggy or non-functional. Spotty internet didn’t allow good testing… Another oops.


The game can also be found on itch at : https://onewheelstudio.itch.io/ludumdare40