Leaving Early Access
/Support for FTF will continue but will be focused on fixing bugs rather than adding content. I look forward to taking all that I learned over the last few years and applying it my next game...
Just One Guy Making Low Poly Games In His Spare Time
Just One Guy Making Tutorials and Games In His Spare Time
Support for FTF will continue but will be focused on fixing bugs rather than adding content. I look forward to taking all that I learned over the last few years and applying it my next game...
Two years ago, I talked my school into allowing me to teach an intro game development class. I still can't believe it and I get a huge grin on my face when I think about how lucky I am. This fall I convinced folks that I should be allowed to run a week long intensive course about making low poly renders with Blender...
Sure I've done enough "box art" for Fracture the Flag to know the basics and produce work that's "good," but I've spent almost no time making non-game art.
So in my game dev course I assigned a project where the students had to make box art for a new game. Basically an excuse to work more with Blender and dig a bit deeper into the program. The first part of the assignment was to find a published low poly image and use it as inspiration and guidance.
I joined my students and began to create my own low poly render. I choose Winter Night by Vitaliy Prusakov. I loved the lighting and the simple, but elegant colors.
My result was far from perfect or as tasteful as the original.
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Snowy Village |
Not bad, but I thought I could do better. Those roofs? Where'd the snow on the fences go? The fence rails are too straight...
I was having so much fun I wanted to do another. So I started working on the view from my front door.
The result is (obviously) highly stylized and somewhat idealized. I think its also step up in overall quality.
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Backyard |
Creating these images has been such great practice, not to mention great fun. I'm sure I'll make a few more, but I'm dreaming of getting a similar style into Unity for my next game...
I think I've figured out the light baking and textured needed to make it work at 60 fps and I'm pretty excited about it. It would be such a step up from Fracture the Flag's art work :)
Recently I've been working to add a two new features to Fracture the Flag - both stretch goals. The first new feature is the addition of defensive watchtowers. The watchtowers can target workers, swordsman, siege weapons and enemy balloons, but won't target enemy buildings.
The towers provide much needed ranged defense against bombers and swordsman. Especially early in the game watchtowers can provide a good deal of security. They'll also easily knock down the new hot air balloon units.
Blender render of the bomb dropping hot air balloon
The hot air balloon unit does a low speed strafing run with three large and very effective bombs. While landing three bombs on a target can be devastating, the balloons themselves are relatively fragile and can be shot down by a watchtower fairly easily. Balloons are a one time use vehicle. After dropping their bombs they will fly off to the horizon.
The addition of the watchtower and hot air balloons (in early play testing) add a degree of balance and more variety to a player's strategy. It's also just really to see flaming arrows flying all over and bombs raining down on your opponents buildings.
A short teaser of the new features can be seen below.
For those who are REALLY interested I did a longer play testing session via Twitch. There are a few bugs and a few things that aren't ready for prime time, but you can see the new features (more or less) fully functional.
The soon to be latest addition to Fracture the Flag will be the defensive watchtowers. The towers will provide stationary ranged defensive. Something that is very much missing with the current build.
The watchtower script estimates a time of flight, gets velocity of the target, and uses a healthy dose of high school physics to predict the location of the target when the arrow will arrive. There is some inherent error in the calculations as a few assumptions must be made, but these turn out to be minor.
Once the predicted position has been calculated another healthy dose of kinematics is used to create a launch vector for the arrows. This is then turned in to a velocity vector and passed off to the arrow's controlling rigidbody to provide a physically accurate trajectory.
There are some errors in the calculations, such as the time of flight shouldn't be independent of the angle, but one value needs to be calculated before the other... The result can be small errors. The coding also allows a degree of inaccuracy to be added (not shown) for the sake of realism. This quickly makes any numerical errors pretty irrelevant.
I was needing something simple to work on (the day job has turned my brain to mush) so I spent a few hours last week polishing a tool that I've used in the production of Fracture the Flag. The tool allows the creation and editing of color palettes within Unity.
Low poly scene and the
The use of color palettes along with flat shaded low poly assets allows a significant reduction in the number of materials being used in a scene or project. This can also reduce draw calls and improve performance.
Due to the flat shading models can be unwrapped and the UV's can be stacked. This allows the texture size to be very small - in theory as small as one pixel per color used in the project! This means that by using a 32 by 32 pixel texture a project can have up to 1024 colors contained in a 4 kb file! Ideal for mobile uses or simply keeping a desktop build size down to something reasonable.
Unwrapped model in Blender
The editing of these textures within Unity also allows the artist or developer to quickly adjust colors of models in a scene while lighting and image effects are shown in real time. This speeds up development time as there is less back and forth between Unity and a photo editing program.
Click To Color will be available on the Unity Asset Store: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/72930
All the features of Click to Color can be seen in the video below.
A potential work flow using Unity and Blender is shown in the second video.
A while back I found myself looking at a Unity scene with several hundred trees that each needed to be updated and the connection to the prefab had somehow broken... Rather than spent hours replacing each one I spent almost as much time writing an editor extension to do the same thing.
I'd forgotten about the tool, until a student of mine ended up in a similar position. Which made me revisit the tool a do just a bit of fine tuning.
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Screenshot of the editor window |
It's a pretty simple script, but handy all the same. If I find the time I might add it to the Unity Asset Store as a free asset. Until then, assuming this looks like useful, you can download it from this link (box). There's no documentation, but it should be pretty self explanatory- the search is case sensitive.
The next major goal for Fracture the Flag is adding to the single player challenges with the addition of some basic combat oriented levels. The new levels will continue to be time based - how fast can you take out the AI base. It will not be a full blown single player campaign - as a solo dev it’s just not possible to pull that off so I won’t promise what I can’t deliver.
Testing of the new scripts was recently done live on Twitch. The stream was also reposted on YouTube.
AI bases will have a functional economy to support their attacks on the player’s base. If there’s no ammo then the siege weapons will fall silent. If build points run dry the AI can’t recruit more workers or swordsman…
The AI will not be capable of adding new building or siege weapons. The AI base is largely static, once a player destroys a building, siege weapon, or flag it’s gone. However, workers and swordsman will be replaced.
The AI is capable of both offense and defense. Sending groups of swordsman to attack buildings and delivering bombs to the base of flags and other buildings. Defensively swordsman will patrol or stand and guard. Siege weapons will also fire if you get too close.
AI Controlled Bombers
There are lots of little bugs and plenty of balancing to work on. So no promises on a release date. The first release will likely be on the beta channel as many scripts have been adapted to allow the AI which will then need testing to ensure multiplayer didn’t break…
Fracture the Flag is the first game to be released by One Wheel Studio. The release date has been set and the last minute tweaks and optimizations are being made.
FTF will be available on Steam June 9!
Fracture the Flag will be priced at 2.99 USD. Prices may vary with your currency.
Also! The first video review has been posted by eNtak. The video shows some of the main features of FTF and plays a little of a single player challenge. Don't just take my word for it. Watch the video...
Portfolio and Development Log for One Wheel Studio.
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